Father's Rights Attorneys in Austin, TX
Father's Rights Lawyer in Austin, TX
Historically, in Texas, fathers have not always experienced the best of results when they go through a divorce. More recently, Texas law has caught up with the more modern reality of parenting. Now, more than ever, fathers are involved in every aspect of their children’s lives. Men are better able now to assert their fathers’ rights and emerge from court victorious. If you are a father, are facing a divorce, love your children, and cannot imagine a future, post-divorce, where you only see your children half of the weekends and holidays and are not an equal in making decisions regarding your children, you need to act quickly to secure the services of an attorney, like Greg Morrison, well versed in fathers’ rights in Texas. Things you say and do before you consult an attorney may cause serious damage to your case.
Fathers will want to protect their rights as it comes to custody, visitation, child support and the division of the community’s assets. With each, the right legal assistance will be necessary to make sure that you are given the best possible chance to win on these issues.
When addressing custody issues, the court will decide which parent will make what decisions post-divorce, which of the parent’s homes will be considered the primary residence of the children (the genesis of the label “primary parent”) and which parent will pay child support to the other. The court now has the authority to not name either party as “primary” and not order either parent to pay child support. This will not happen in every case but, where the facts support it, we can help you fight for this type of result.
Where historically, fathers in Texas were often relegated to seeing their children only on the first, third and fifth weekends of each month, some extended time during the summer and on half of the holidays throughout the year, different visitation arrangements are becoming more common. Courts seem more open now to arrangements where each of the parents have the right to have the children 50% of the time. For example, the parents might alternate having the children a week at a time – one week with their father, the next with their mother, etc. The court might choose a 2/2/3 arrangement where one parent might have the children every Monday and Tuesday, the other parent every Wednesday and Thursday and then they rotate who gets the children for the weekends. All of these arrangements can be modified, as appropriate for a specific case. Let the Morrison Law Firm use its expertise to help you craft the right schedule for you and your children and then help you secure that schedule through aggressive settlement negotiations or, if required, through trial.
While the Texas Family Code provides a lot of guidance on child support, the courts do still have significant discretion on the issue. Persuading the judge to deviate from the norms on child support requires the assistance of an experienced, aggressive trial attorney. Securing that deviation in settlement requires the assistance of an experienced negotiator. Choose the Morrison Law Firm to help you with your case and get nearly 30 years of trial and negotiation experience on your side.
Likewise, fathers now have a better chance of securing a 50/50 split of the community’s assets than they did in the past. But to secure your fathers’ rights on property division, you and your attorney have to work closely together to uncover all of the property, determine the fair market value of every asset (often with valuations) and then build a case for why you should get the assets you desire in that division.
Let the Morrison Law Firm put its 29+ years of trial experience to work for you. Contact us here by electronic mail or give us a call at (512) 328-3030. We will set you up with a comprehensive and confidential consultation to help answers all of your questions about your case and to outline how we can work together to get you the results you seek.
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Comprehensive, Creative, Trusted Family Law Help
Our family law team brings extensive experience to the table, which enables us to provide a wide range of advice and representation regarding family law matters, such as:
At the Morrison Law Firm, we achieve faster, less-costly results with less stress and more respect for everyone's emotional well-being. If resolution is only possible in court, we will ensure your rights and interests remain the focus of our efforts on your behalf there as well.
Texas family law attorney serving communities throughout Central Texas
Whether it is divorce, alimony, domestic violence, prenuptial agreements, or other family law concerns, trusted family lawyer Greg Morrison can make a difference in your life.
Please call (512) 328-3030 or contact us here to schedule a confidential, comprehensive, initial consultation today.
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